Wooden printing presses  
Chronological overview

Before 1550

1551 - 1600

1601 - 1650

1651 - 1700

1700 - 1750

1751 - 1800



Below is an alphabetical list of publications. It’s of course incomplete but it gives some direct links to available scans.

Aliprandi, Giuseppe (1955) ‘Leonardo da Vinci e la stampa’. Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 30, pp 315-20.

Audin, Marius (1928) Histoire de l’imprimerie par l’image. Paris: Henri Jonquières.

Bernard, Auguste (1909) Geofroy Tory. Painter and engraver; first royal printer; reformer of orthography and typography under François I. [Ebook]. [Scan]

Clair, Colin (1969) A chronology of printing. New York: Praeger. [Scan]

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall (1817) The bibliographical decameron; or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography, and bibliography. London: Shakespear Press. [Scan]

Enschedé, J.W. (1906) ‘Houten handpersen in de zestiende eeuw’ Tijdschrift voor Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen. Jaargang 4, 5, pp 195-215 & 262-277 [Scan 1], [PDF]

Enschedé, J.W. (1908) ‘De drukpersafbeeldingen in Ampzing en Scriverius 1628.’ Tijdschrift voor Boek- en Bibliotheekwezen. Jaargang 6, pp 265-268. [Scan]

Gómez, Fermín de los Reyes (2018) ‘De la imprenta manual a la mecánica primeros intentos de cambio en España’ Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo: Revista del Grupo de Estudios del siglo XVIII. Nº 24, 2018, pp 13-39 [Scan]

Hellinga (1962) Kopij en druk in de Nederlanden. Atlas bij de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse typografie. Amsterdam: NV. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Mij. [Scan]

Horodisch, Abraham (1974) ‘Buch und Buchdruckpresse im Druckersignet des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts.’ Philobiblon. Jahrgang XVIII, Heft 3, September 1974, pp 166-194.

Janssen, Frans A. (1977) Over houten drukpersen. Amsterdam: Gérard Th. van Heusden.

Janssen, Frans A. (2004) Technique & Design, ’t Goy-Houten: Hes & De Graaf Publishers.

Madan, Falconer (1895) ‘Early representations of the printing-press with especial reference to that by Stradanus.’ Bibliographica. Volume 1, pp 223 - 248. [Scan]

Madan, Falconer (1895) ‘Early representations of the printing-press with especial reference to that by Stradanus.’ Addenda. Bibliographica. Volume 1, pp 499-502. [Scan]

Madan, Falconer (1895) ‘Early representations of the printing-press with especial reference to that by Stradanus’ Addenda. Bibliographica. Volume 3, pp 474-475.

Madan, Falconer (1898) ‘Early representations of printing-presses (1499-1600)’. The Library. Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 4 (1896-8), pp 239-240.

Madan, Falconer (1924) ‘Early representations of printing-presses (1499-1600)’. The Bodleian quarterly record. 4 (1923-5), pp 165-7.

May, Alan (2015) ‘Albrecht Dürer’s drawing of a printing press: a reconsideration.’ Journal of the Printing Historical Society, New series, 22. pages 62-80.

McKerrow, Ronald B. (1928) An introduction to bibliography for literary students. London: Oxford University Press. [Scan]

Meisner, Heinrich & Luther, Johannes (1900) Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst: zum fünfhundertsten Geburtstage Johann Gutenbergs. Bielefeld und Leipzig: Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing. [Scan]

Nash, Ray (1947) Dürer's 1511 Drawing of a Press and Printer. Cambridge: Harvard College Library. (Reviewed by: F.C. Francis (1948). Reviews. The Library, s5-II(4), pages 293-294.)

Presser, Helmut (1955) ‘Unbekannte Abbildungen der Buchdruckpresse.’ Archiv für Druck und Papier, 1, pp 29-33.

Renouard, Philippe (1928) Les marques typographiques parisiennnes des XVe et XVIe siècles. Paris: Champion. [Link]

Renouard, Philippe (1969) Imprimeurs & Libraries Parisiens du XVIe siècle, Tome Deuxième: Baaleu-Banville. Paris: Champion. [Scan]

Reti, Ladislao (1971). ‘Leonardo da Vinci and the Graphic Arts: The Early Invention of Relief-Etching.’, The Burlington Magazine. 113, no 817 (April 1971), pp 188-195. [Figure 23]

Roche, Nigel (2000) The iconography of the printing office to 1700. Unpublished MA thesis. Library and Information Studies, University College London.

Rombauts, Edward (1937) Adriaan Poirters Volksredenaar en Volksschrijver. Davidsfonds, Keurreeks nr 17.

Roth-Scholtz, Friedrich (1730) Thesaurus symbolorum ac emblematum: i.e. insignia bibliopolarum et typographorum ab inculabulis typographiae ad nostra usque tempora. Norimbergae: Haeredes Ioh. Dan. Tauberi. [Scan]

Silvestre (1867) Marques typographiques - Volume 1. Paris: Renou et Maulde [Scan]

Silvestre (1867) Marques typographiques - Volume 2. Paris: Renou et Maulde [Scan]

Thomas, Diana M. (1982) Pedro Rodríguez and the wooden printing press in Madrid.. The Library, Bibliographical Notes, Volume s6-4, Issue 1, pp 65-70.

Tomicka, Joanna A. (1998) ‘The Black Art - Typography and its Allegories in Emblems during the 16th - 18th Centuries.’ Bulletin du Musée national de Varsovie. 39 (1-4), pp 50-70. [Scan]

Vervliet, H.D.L. (1978) Post-incunabula and their publishers in the low countries. Dordrecht: Springer-Science+Business media.

Leon Voet (1955), ‘Ray Nash: Dürer's 1511 drawing of a press and printer.’ (Review). De Gulden Passer, jaargang 33, p 134.

Weghe, Frank van de, Beeck, Bart op de (1993) Drukkersmerken uit de 15de en de 16de eeuw binnen de grenzen van het huidige België / Marques typographiques employées au XVe et XVIe siècles dans les limites géographiques de la Belgique actuelle. Brill | Hes & De Graaf.

Wolkenhauer, Anja and Scholz, Bernhard, F. (2018) Typographorum Emblemata: The Printer's Mark in the Context of Early Modern Culture. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.

Zabala Vázquez, Jon (2011) Una prensa común: su construcción material a escala. Hibris: revista de bibliofilia, XI (63-64). pp. 35-59.
