1659 a.
Click here to enlarge the image.
Title: Idea principis christiano-politici 101 sijmbolis expressa A. Didaco Saavedra Faxardo Equite &c.
Author: F. Junii (Franciscus Junius, François DU JON (the Younger.))
Publisher: -
Printer: Ioh. Janssonium juniorem
Illustrator: -
Engraver: -
Location: Amsterdam
Year: 1659
Links: [Scan 1].
This looks like the engraving of the 1658 edition. However, the text was completely reset. The same frontispice, mentioning 1658, was used again.
There are several scans of this edition:
- Public library, Lyon, France.
Text under image is 3 lines. Starting with “In difficili … legationis per trien”.
This book has been reprinted and translated many times, often with a different illustration of a wooden printing press. A preliminary bibliography of this book lists 48 editions. An overview of the 44 different illustrations of a wooden press in this book can be seen here.
There are three editions printed in 1659 in Amsterdam. The typesetting in these books differs, and the name on the frontispice coppergravure differs, but it looks as if both books used the same copper gravure for this illustration. Pedro Campa (1990, page 79) states: ‘There is also an edition of Amsterdam; Jansonium Jr. 1659 of the same format and size as the above ... which has often been confused with SX19’.